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Kronk is our red harlequin crested gecko who joined our family on November 17, 2024. He's a calm, curious little guy, born in 2022, who quickly made his mark on our hearts with his wide eyes and sticky little hands. From the moment we saw him at the reptile expo, we knew he was special. With his shy demeanor and sweet nature, he stood out as the exact type of crested gecko we were looking for. Since joining our family, Kronk has been adjusting beautifully, and we continue to be amazed by his gentle nature and occasional mischief. While he's still a bit skittish around us, he’s gradually becoming more comfortable with his new life.


Kronk’s bioactive enclosure is a spacious 24" wide by 18" long by 36" tall setup, well above the minimum recommended size for a crested gecko. His bioactive enclosure is his personal paradise, complete with live plants and plenty of hiding spots. The setup includes a cozy coconut hide, ghostwood, a snake plank for him to rest on, and various other husbandry items. His space is designed to mimic a natural habitat, providing him with the perfect combination of heat, humidity, and enrichment. His favorite hangout spots are often on top of the coconut hide, clinging to the glass door, or perched on the ghostwood. You can often find him eating or drinking on top of the mushroom feeding ledge too!

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Kronk’s diet is quite simple but healthy. He primarily eats Pangea’s Watermelon mix, which he loves, and occasionally indulges in crickets. Watching him hunt and forage is always a delight. He’s a motivated eater, and it’s one of the activities he seems to enjoy most, keeping him active and engaged.


Although Kronk is still a bit skittish when it comes to handling, we’ve found him to be extremely docile and sweet during day-to-day interactions. He’s curious but also cautious. We haven’t handled him much yet, as he’s still adjusting, but he’s made great progress in trusting us. Despite his shyness, Kronk is never far from his habitat, always exploring and sometimes getting into a bit of mischief. He loves to spend his nights climbing and jumping, often on the glass or near his favorite resting spots, and he sleeps during the day on the snake plank’s leaf, hidden from view.

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