Foot in the Bowl

Dec 17, 2024

Last night, Kronk gave us another one of his adorable little surprises! While checking on him during his usual nighttime adventures, I noticed something funny in his food bowl: a tiny, perfectly-shaped gecko footprint. It looks like our mischievous guy decided to step into his dinner before eating it—or maybe he just wanted to leave his mark!

First Time Holding Kronk

Dec 13, 2024

Today was a huge milestone for Kronk and me—I held him for the very first time! I’ve been taking things slow with him, respecting his space and letting him adjust to his new home. But today, as I was cleaning his enclosure, he seemed extra calm, and I thought, "Why not give it a shot?" I gently cupped him in my hands, and to my surprise, he didn’t freak out. He just sat there, a little tense but still relaxed. It felt amazing to finally have that connection, even if it was brief. I’ve been patient, letting him come around on his own time, and it’s moments like this that make the wait so worth it. I’m looking forward to more little steps in our bond as he continues to grow more comfortable with me!

Peek a Boo!

Dec 13, 2024

This morning, when I went to do his enclosure’s morning spray, I didn’t see Kronk in his usual sleeping spot. Kronk really loves to sleep behind the snake plant, so I was startled when I didn’t see him there. After looking around the whole enclosure and not finding any trace of him, I started to worry. But before jumping to conclusions about him escaping, I checked under all the plants—and there he was, right in front of me the whole time!

The Future of Kronk Cam

Dec 10, 2024

We’re always thinking about Kronk’s next steps, and in terms of the website, our next big advancement is to be able to track Kronk in real time! Doing this is no small feat, but it’s one we’re ready to tackle! Currently we’re working on creating a dataset of labeled images to teach OpenCV how to find him in real time. During high activity hours for Kronk, we go to the cam, take screenshots, and continue to add to our dataset. It’s a meticulous process, one that will require a minimum of 200 manually labelled images! Our goal is to make Kronk Cam even more interactive by letting our viewers track his movements in real time. Stay tuned for updates as this project evolves!

Kronk's First Hand-Feeding

Dec 09, 2024

Tonight was a big step in Kronk’s trust in us. For the first time ever, he let us hand feed him! We’ve only had him in our family for a little over 3 weeks now, but he’s already coming around. We want to respect Kronk’s space and make sure he’s still comfortable in his home, but it’s always important to make efforts in our relationships. That includes our sticky-fingered friends too! For the most part, Kronk has been hesitant at my attempts to hand feed, and out of respect if he doesn’t go for it after a minute, I leave his food dish in the mushroom holder on the top right of his enclosure. Tonight he finally trusted me enough to take little licks off the spoon I used to mix his powdered-diet, but shortly after, he sought refuge in his snake plant again. It’s the little things that will build trust, and I look forward to future breakthroughs in our relationship!

Hanging in There

Dec 07, 2024

This wouldn't be the position I'd choose to lay down, but Kronk seems to like it! We've noticed for the past week or so that Kronk has been hanging out a lot on the glass in front of the camera; seems like he's starting to like the lime-light! It's always a pleasant surprise to see him out in the open, especially when he's right in front of the camera! Kronk never fails to make us smile with his unique habits—he sure knows how to keep his fans entertained!

Find Blog Posts with Ease!

Dec 05, 2024

We're excited to announce a new feature on the Kronk Cam blog – Keyword Search! Now, you can easily find blog posts that match your interests by searching for specific keywords.The new search feature allows you to quickly locate the posts you're most interested in. Simply type a keyword into the search bar, and the blog will display a list of posts that contain your search term.This feature is perfect for browsing through our growing collection of blog posts without having to scroll through them all. Try key words like reptile, plant, wood, and other identifiable objects in a blog image! Stay tuned for even more features coming soon as we continue to improve your experience on Kronk-Cam. Happy reading!

Kronk's Camera Shyness

Dec 05, 2024

Even though Kronk is always under the watchful eye of the Kronk Cam, there are moments when he seems to forget he's live 24/7. Last night, I tried to snap a photo of him, but instead of posing like usual, he decided to hide his face behind the snake plant! It was one of those rare, shy moments that made me laugh. For a gecko who spends so much time in front of the camera, you'd think he'd be used to it by now! But there he was, looking like a cute little introvert, trying to escape the lens. Maybe he was just in the mood for some privacy, or maybe he was pretending to be camera shy for the first time in his life. Either way, it was a hilarious moment that made me appreciate him even more. Of course, with the camera always rolling, I captured it all—and now you get to enjoy it too!

Can't Find Him?

Nov 24, 2024

Have you tuned-in to see Kronk during daylight only to not see him? That's because he's crepuscular! The best time to check-in on Kronk is during dawn or dusk, or from what we've noticed between 9pm-6am is when he's most active. This photo is where he's been sleeping for his first week home with us, right on the back of the snake plant!

Kronk's Gotcha Day!

Nov 17, 2024

The story behind bringing our sticky-palmed friend home. The first time we had even thought about getting a crested gecko was when we went to our first reptile expo. We saw snakes, frogs, scorpions, and even a vendor with a chameleon perched on her arm! There we fell in love with the idea of getting a crested gecko. They stood out to us amongst all of the reptiles, with their cute gummy smiles and little feet. Before we had even left, we decided we were getting Kronk. Tommy says he specifically remembers me saying “The next reptile we get has to be a crested gecko!” and the rest was history. As the months passed, we thought about what Kronk may be like. While we liked some morphs, getting a crested gecko that looked a certain way didn’t matter. What was more important than anything was his vibe. Kronk needed to ignite our protective instincts. He had to be calm and sweet, even a little shy! When we got Kronk, he’d stand out to us just by existing! Now you may be thinking, why the name Kronk? I’ll give all the credit to Tommy here; he came up with it! In his words, it was “divine intervention”. The only condition he had was that Kronk was bought from a reputable vendor, and the rest was up to me. We decided to get Kronk at the next reptile expo coming up in our area. We spent the time preparing for him by researching, getting supplies, and setting up his enclosure. Finally, the weekend of the reptile expo came, Kronk’s Gotcha Day. We were so excited for the event that we showed up half an hour before the doors even opened. There, we traversed through all of the booths, taking special note of who had crested geckos. Many geckos stood out to us, but we could tell none of them were Kronk. We were wandering around, slightly panicking, until I noticed it. A table full of crested geckos we passed by without even noticing. As I wandered up to the table, I noticed him. What first drew me in was the way he was curled up into himself. He was a beautiful red Harlequin, but I wanted to see him in action. When he was taken out of the container, I knew it was Kronk. He ignited a motherly instinct, he seemed calm and shy, even a little curious of his surroundings! It was quickly decided between Tommy and me that this was Kronk, and he was coming home with us. Once he was placed in his container, I knew I couldn’t let him out of my sight. We couldn’t wait to put him into his new enclosure, which we thought would be similar to a mansion for the little guy! When we finally got home and put him in, he didn’t disappoint! He immediately crawled into his coconut hide, with his small little tail peeking out! It was so cute. The first night he was with us, he explored his entire enclosure, even trampling over some plants, knocking over the hydrometer multiple times, and crawling up the glass! He wasn’t just shy, he was even a little mischievous (just like our leopard gecko, Cuddles)! Without a doubt, Kronk is one of the best decisions we’ve ever made!